Case Statement using SQL (examples included)

Here are 3 different ways to apply a case statement using SQL:

(1) For a single condition:

CASE WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1 ELSE result_2 END AS new_field_name

(2) For multiple conditions using AND:

CASE WHEN condition_1 AND condition_2 THEN result_1 ELSE result_2 END AS new_field_name

(3) For multiple conditions and results:

CASE WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1
     WHEN condition_2 THEN result_2
     WHEN condition_3 THEN result_3
     ELSE result
     END AS new_field_name

Let’s review few examples with the steps to apply case statements using SQL.

Steps to Apply Case Statements using SQL

Step 1: Create a Table

If you haven’t already done so, create a table in your database.

For example, let’s create a table called ‘people‘ that includes the following data and fields:

name age member
Jack 28 No
Ben 67 Yes
Jill 33 No
Maria 72 Yes
Bill 17 No

Step 2: Define the Rules

Next, define the rules for the case statement.

For example, let’s define the following rules:

  • When the person’s age is equal or above 60, then the person is eligible for a ‘senior discount’
  • Else, there should be ‘no discount’

Step 3: Apply the Case Statement using SQL

Finally, you can use the following template for a single condition:

CASE WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1 ELSE result_2 END AS new_field_name

For our example:

  • condition_1: age >= 60
  • result_1: ‘senior discount’
  • result_2: ‘no discount’
  • new_field_name: discount

So the complete syntax would look like this:

CASE WHEN age >= 60 THEN 'senior discount' ELSE 'no discount' END AS discount
FROM people

Run the query, and you’ll get the following result:

name age discount
Jack 28 no discount
Ben 67 senior discount
Jill 33 no discount
Maria 72 senior discount
Bill 17 no discount

Additional Examples of Case Statements

Example 1: Multiple Conditions using AND

Let’s now review an example with multiple conditions, where the rules are:

  • When the person’s age is equal or above 60, and the person is a member, then the person is eligible for a ‘membership gift’
  • Else, there should be ‘no membership gift’

You can use this template for multiple conditions using AND:

CASE WHEN condition_1 AND condition_2 THEN result_1 ELSE result_2 END AS new_field_name

For our example:

  • condition_1 AND condition_2: age >= 60 AND member = ‘Yes’
  • result_1: ‘membership gift’
  • result_2: ‘no membership gift’
  • new_field_name: gift

So the complete syntax, for our example, would look like this:

CASE WHEN age >= 60 AND member = 'Yes' THEN 'membership gift' ELSE 'no membership gift' END AS gift
FROM people

Run the query, and you’ll get the following result:

name age member gift
Jack 28 No no membership gift
Ben 67 Yes membership gift
Jill 33 No no membership gift
Maria 72 Yes membership gift
Bill 17 No no membership gift

Example 2: Multiple Conditions and Results

For the final section of this guide, let’s review an example with multiple condition and results, where the rules are:

  • When the person’s age is equal or above 60, then the person is eligible for a ‘senior discount’
  • When the person’s age is equal or above 18, and less than 60, then there should be ‘no discount’
  • Else the person is eligible for a ‘junior discount’

You can then use the following template for multiple conditions and results:

CASE WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1
     WHEN condition_2 THEN result_2
     WHEN condition_3 THEN result_3
     ELSE result
     END AS new_field_name

And here is the complete syntax for our example:

CASE WHEN age >= 60 THEN 'senior discount'
     WHEN age >= 18 AND age < 60 THEN 'no discount'
     ELSE 'junior discount'
     END AS discount
FROM people

Run the query, and you’ll get:

name age discount
Jack 28 no discount
Ben 67 senior discount
Jill 33 no discount
Maria 72 senior discount
Bill 17 junior discount

You may also want to check the following page for additional SQL tutorials.