Convert Tuple to List in Python

Here are 3 ways to convert a tuple to a list in Python:

(1) Using a list() function:

my_tuple = ("item_1", "item_2", "item_3", ...)
my_list = list(my_tuple)

(2) Using a list comprehension:

my_tuple = ("item_1", "item_2", "item_3", ...)
my_list = [i for i in my_tuple]

(3) Using a for loop:

my_tuple = ("item_1", "item_2", "item_3", ...)

my_list = []

for i in my_tuple:

Examples of Converting a Tuple to a List in Python

Example 1: Convert a tuple to a list using a list() function

First, create a tuple:

my_tuple = ("a", "mm", "ppp", "bb", "cc")


Note that the last print of “print(type(my_tuple))” was added to indicate that you actually created a tuple:

('a', 'mm', 'ppp', 'bb', 'cc')
<class 'tuple'>

Next, convert the tuple to a list using a list() function:

my_tuple = ("a", "mm", "ppp", "bb", "cc")

my_list = list(my_tuple)


As you can see, the tuple was indeed converted to a list:

['a', 'mm', 'ppp', 'bb', 'cc']
<class 'list'>

Example 2: Convert a tuple to a list using a list comprehension

To convert the same tuple (from the first example) to a list using a list comprehension:

my_tuple = ("a", "mm", "ppp", "bb", "cc")

my_list = [i for i in my_tuple]


You’ll get the same list:

['a', 'mm', 'ppp', 'bb', 'cc']
<class 'list'>

Example 3: Convert a tuple to a list using a for loop

Finally, convert the tuple to a list using a for loop:

my_tuple = ("a", "mm", "ppp", "bb", "cc")

my_list = []

for i in my_tuple:


The result is the same list:

['a', 'mm', 'ppp', 'bb', 'cc']
<class 'list'>

The following guide explains how to convert a list to a tuple.

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