How to Control a Mouse using Python

The PyAutoGUI library can be used to control a mouse in Python.

To install the PyAutoGUI library:

pip install pyautogui

Next, you’ll see 4 scenarios to control a mouse in Python by:

  1. Moving a mouse cursor to a specific location
  2. Clicking on a specific location
  3. Double-clicking on a given location
  4. Moving a file to a folder

4 Scenarios of Controlling a Mouse using Python

Scenario 1: Moving a mouse cursor to a specific location

To move a mouse cursor to a specific location (note that you’ll need to specify the X and Y coordinates. The PyAutoGUI Documentation contains a simple Python program to print the X and Y coordinates. Alternatively, you may use trial and error):

import pyautogui

pyautogui.moveTo(x_coordinate, y_coordinate)

Here is an example where both the X and Y coordinates are set to 50:

import pyautogui

pyautogui.moveTo(50, 50)

Scenario 2: Clicking on a specific location

In order to click (single-click) on a specific location, simply apply based on your desired coordinates. For example:

import pyautogui, 50)

Scenario 3: Double-clicking on a given location

To double-click on your desired location, simply set clicks=2:

import pyautogui, 50, clicks=2)

Scenario 4: Moving a file to a folder

To move a file into a folder, use a combination of moveTo and dragTo (where the dragTo is set for 2 seconds):

import pyautogui

pyautogui.moveTo(1400, 445)
pyautogui.dragTo(1700, 445, 2)

Finally, check the following guide that explains how to control a keyboard using Python.

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