Apply a Title Case to each Element in a Python List

Here are 3 ways to apply a title case to each element in a Python list (special case for apostrophes is included):

(1) Using a List Comprehension:

my_list = ["red color", "blue color", "green color"]

title_list = [i.title() for i in my_list]


As highlighted in yellow, a title case was applied to each element in the list:

['Red Color', 'Blue Color', 'Green Color']

(2) Using a For Loop:

my_list = ["red color", "blue color", "green color"]

title_list = []

for i in my_list:


Here are the same results:

['Red Color', 'Blue Color', 'Green Color']

(3) Special case for apostrophes:

import string

my_list = ["red's color", "blue's color", "green's color"]

title_list = [string.capwords(i) for i in my_list]


The result:

["Red's Color", "Blue's Color", "Green's Color"]

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