To convert a character column to a numeric column in R DataFrame:
df$column_name <- as.numeric (df$column_name)
Example of Converting Character to Numeric Column in R DataFrame
Here is an example of converting the character ‘Price‘ column to a numeric column in R DataFrame:
# Create a DataFrame df <- data.frame( Product = c("Laptop", "Printer", "Tablet"), Price = c("1200", "300", "450") ) # Display the original DataFrame print("Original DataFrame:") print(df) # Print the data types before conversion print("Data Types Before Conversion:") str(df) # Convert the Price column to numeric df$Price <- as.numeric (df$Price) # Print the data types after conversion print("Data Types After Conversion:") str(df)
Note that the str(df) was added to print the data types of the columns before and after the conversion.
Here are the data types before and after the conversion of the ‘Price‘ column from character to numeric:
[1] "Original DataFrame:"
Product Price
1 Laptop 1200
2 Printer 300
3 Tablet 450
[1] "Data Types Before Conversion:"
'data.frame': 3 obs. of 2 variables:
$ Product: chr "Laptop" "Printer" "Tablet"
$ Price : chr "1200" "300" "450"
[1] "Data Types After Conversion:"
'data.frame': 3 obs. of 2 variables:
$ Product: chr "Laptop" "Printer" "Tablet"
$ Price : num 1200 300 450
As seen in the original DataFrame, the ‘Price‘ column had a character data type (as highlighted in yellow), but changed to numeric (as highlighted in green).
You may refer to the following guide for the steps to convert a numeric to a character column in R DataFrame.